г. Киев
Солом'янська площа, 2, вул.Машинобудівна, 8 офіс №8
прием звонков — с 8:00 до 22:00

hussain nazmul

Dear sir.I need your help.now i'm in the mikolaiv detensition senter.now i want to release this cam.now whai can i do i don't know.
Its my court peper please see that is possible to relise tis camp.

Адвокат Анатолій Веклич
(понад 25 років адвокатської практики) - (067) 926-75-40

Hello, how can I help you? Who can I communicate with in order to understand your situation?
Dear Hussain Nazmul, we have analyzed the court document and understand your concerns. This decision must be appealed to the Court of Appeal and postponed your expulsion from the country, it is possible ... For this, we need to conclude an agreement with you and only then we can help you.
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