г. Киев
Солом'янська площа, 2, вул.Машинобудівна, 8 офіс №8
прием звонков — с 8:00 до 22:00

Ca...as Kuc.....oglu

Dear Mr. Anatoly,

I hope you are doing well. We have just talked over the phone with you about assistance in a car accident in Lugansk.

My girlfriend (her name in LPR documents is Елизавета Константиновна П......а) was driving her friend’s car on 30th December in Lugansk and she told me that she had an accident. She said that a drunk woman ran in front of the car suddenly, the road was icy and she couldn’t stop and she hit the woman. The woman is now at the hospital with a broken hip, knee, some bruises and some back problems. According to my girlfriend the woman asked for a compensation of 300,000 roubles for her hospital treatment and moral damages to withdraw her statement from the police. Otherwise, as far as I learned that there is a chance that my girlfriend could go to jail or get a suspended sentence in the best case scenario (in which case, she should remain in Lugansk for several years under police control and summoned regularly for signature at the police’s call). If the woman agrees to withdraw her statement there is a chance of receiving either a suspended sentence or my girlfriend could go free by just losing her driving licence.

My girlfriend said that, the court hearing for that case is on 25th January. She said that, her parents found a lawyer and that he asks 70,000 roubles (half now and half after the case is won). I don’t know about this lawyer at all and I want to make sure that my girlfriend is well represented and that she only loses her driving licence, so that she can travel without restrictions. She doesn’t have a job and her parents also don’t have the money. So as far as I know, they consider selling their apartment for 8-10 thousand dollars to find that money.

I found your company website in the internet and since you had an English language page, I trust that you are a good law firm. Also, when I looked at your legal fees, they look lower than what this lawyer asked from my girlfriend. What I request from you is that, can you or a lawyer acquaintance of you in Lugansk take the case to represent my girlfriend? If you agree, what would you require to receive in terms of documents for your defence and how much would be your fee please?

I would appreciate your assistance and kind reply.

Kind Regards,

Çağdaş D. Küçükemiroğlu


Адвокат Анатолій Веклич
(понад 25 років адвокатської практики) - (067) 926-75-40

Dear Mr. C....s!

I read your letter ... now point by point ...
1. I am often approached with similar questions.
2. As a rule, nothing like this happens.
3.Girls just want to get money by inventing different stories, the case of an accident in the first place
4. Ask your girlfriend to send you scanned copies of the documents, allegedly show a lawyer
5. I will analyze them, also by the old connections I will find out if there is such a problem at all ...

If the problem really exists, I will not be able to help you while the war is going on there, and our services on that territory of the country would also be worth it.

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